Dawn of war orks guide

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You want lots of Heavy Bolter fire or equivalent to that. Their Stompas and Squiggoths may appear from wave 5 onwards, as well as additional veteran Sluggas and Waghbosses. Orks will launch armored Wartrukk attacks with Nobs and Boys starting wave 2. Orks will have one bases with KillaKanz and one base with three squads of Meganobs. On higher difficulties it is very possible to encounter Stompas and Gargants. They have good detection with Meganobs and BigMecs so infiltration as a means of offense or defense is secondary. Occasionally, it'll also be a stray looted tank or two, a bike and depending on difficulty setting, also Squiggoths and Stompas will join in the fun in later waves. Lots of boys, lots of Shootas, lots of Meganobs, Killakanz and Trukks. They just ram a lot of bodies into your lines. While by no means a complete compendium, this page aims to give you some insight into which units you will face and how to possibly hold your position against them. This page is set up as a general guide line of what you can expect playing against an Ork attacker. As one of the original Dawn of War factions, Orks bring the Waaagh! in countless numbers.