If the job that you are given is for a city you do not need, simply load the quicksave and a new radiant quest will be assigned for you. To make sure you only get jobs for cities you need, you can take a job from Vex/Delvin then quicksave after you've ended dialogue with them, but before the job itself appears.
After you complete five jobs for one city, further jobs in that city won't progress the restoration. I would advise abandoning the Riften jobs unless you just want easy money. Complete that quest to 'upgrade' the Thieves Guild to a higher restoration status. After you have completed five jobs in one city area, you will receive a special quest from Delvin for that area. It doesn't matter which kind of jobs you do for them. Then you need to do Delvin and Vex's generic (radiant) jobs until you have done five (5) radiant quests for each of these cities: First, complete the Thieves Guild quest line (ends with you returning the Skeleton Key).