These cameras consist of a narrow camera, a main Support more Oblivion NIFs in some foreign distributions which have inexplicably outdated NIF versions (possible packaging issue). When you reload it your race/looks will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset.
Edit: Fixed, turned out that my camera was permenantly stuck on vanity mode, as my mouse wheel was permenanly pressed down, and I somehow didn't notice. Screen goes black, and iMac either goes into sleep mode or shuts down requiring hard restart of the iMac. I also have a lot of other mods installed for my normal Oblivion playthrough, including Oblivion Reloaded, Better Cities, Maskar Oblivion Overhaul, No working for me, At the startup of the game, it crashes with Enable Camera enable, Made as Supierce said CameraMode to 0 in OblivionReloaded.